The Retellable Story
The Origins
One foggy morning in the springtime of 2009, I was standing in my kitchen, holding my newborn daughter in my hands; a deep quiet had fallen over the house.
I was a decade into a journey of chasing the edge of digital revolution. I was there for the beginning of online learning, the beginning of online music videos, the beginning of sustainability media, and the early days of viral videos. I had recently walked into the early days of storytelling on apps.
There in the kitchen, I remembered my passion for gathering stories among travelers in my 20's as I made my way from Cusco to Melbourne to Marrakesh. I remembered making friends with travelers all over the world, and sitting on long bus rides and in cafes, swapping stories of places, of origins, of visions, of the challenges we sought and found, and the magic we discovered on the road.
These stories were our commerce, our exchange, our guides on our adventures. And they were still so alive for me that I could taste them. And in contrast to my digital adventures, these were so immensely analog! And it occurred to me, as I stood with my daughter in this immensely quiet moment, that these kinds of guides were never more needed.
And something changed in that moment.
I realized the promise of digital connection never quite delivered in the way I had sought. And in the days that followed, as I left behind my work as a digital pioneer, I would help people navigate a world of information overwhelm, establish a deeper human connection, and help visionary leaders to truly connect with their most important audiences across media.
That journey led around the country and around the world. It led to a book, and to dozens of world-changing visionaries adopting the Retellable Approach themselves.
In fact, it's very possible that somewhere in the world, one of those stories is being told right now.
- Jay Golden
About Jay Golden
Storyteling Coach, Storyteller, Keynote Speaker
“For a story to change the world,” author and storytelling coach Jay Golden says, “It has to change you first.”
That’s why, after a dozen years working at the cutting edge of digital storytelling, Jay shifted his attention to unlocking the purpose of globally transformative leaders through the stories they tell, one-to-one and one-to-many.
Today, as the founder of the storytelling company Retellable, Jay coaches and trains founders, innovators, and social entrepreneurs at companies such as Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and Rainforest Action Network. With an approach that is both personally transformative and also universally applicable, his book, Retellable: How Your Essential Stories Unlock Power and Purpose, is a guide to storytelling using his original framework - The Journey Curve.

Tina Sciabica, Executive Director, Read Global
“Retellable helped me connect the dots between my life experiences in a way I had never been able to envision on my own. As a result, I now have a more powerful voice personally and professionally and am empowered to create more change in the world.”