1:1 Coaching Sessions

Right Your Story

Maybe you are revamping your career story, or shaping your origin. Maybe you are working on a speech, or are workshopping a pitch, or working to integrate many threads of insight and data into a strong presentation.

Maybe you don't know exactly what you need but you need it soon!

Gain a reflection that helps 'right' the course of your story. You'll share your story challenge, and Jay will offer tips and techniques, help you apply your story for the stated purpose, and, if desired, map your story on the white board to make it more relatable and retellable. A lot can happen in a little. Just listen to these folks.

If you end up working with us in a coaching capacity, this fee will be taken off the top of our project.

Transform Your Story in the Story Booth

1:1 Story Booth with Jay Golden


available Tuesdays & Wednesdays

3-5pm Pacific Time

After payment, email to schedule.



Ken Dychtwald, Keynote Speaker, Author of 16 books, Founder of Agewave

“Even though I have been working to hone my public speaking craft for decades, Jay's wise insights and masterful guidance have given me an entirely new perspective on how to understand and feel my stories far more deeply, and how to tell them far more effectively.”

Jessica Rolph

Jessica Rolph, Co-Founder and CEO, Lovevery

“Our work together helped me organize my insights and stories for speaking and also for launching my new company. In fact, I've been using one of the stories that you helped me with in many successful pitches. We got a huge amount of mileage out of that story!" 


Hans Dockter, Founder, CEO, Gradle Inc., Speaker

"By diving deeply into our origins and our vision, and drawing out a memorable story, Jay helped us to speak concisely to our "why," and helped our team to see their part in our greater journey. Above that, his work set the stage for a fun and cohesive brand. A brand that connects us with our customers' real challenges - and casts them as the pioneers that they truly are."


Charles Antis, Founder/CEO Antis Roofing

"Learning about how stories work, and putting them into practice, has changed my life and my company's journey. I used to stand up on stage and just let if fly. Now I prepare for the presentation differently, draw from my stories, plan out how I connect with the audience along the way, and draw them deeper in as I land my key points. I'm more relaxed and more effective as a result."

OR CALL (510) 470-1078